• Uk Gamblers Make Up a 3rd of All European Web Bettors

    The online gambling industry in the United Kingdom has increased two fold in five years, with higher than one million punters commonly wagering using the internet. According to a poll administered by the Dept. of Culture, Media and Sport, UK gamblers make up around one-third of the Old World’s approximated total of 3 300 000 internet bettors.

    The average cash amount wagered by each bettor is approximated at £1,000, with the European business now valued at £3.5bn each year.

    Amongst the 70 internet betting web sites in the UK, few are gaming websites advertising card games such as poker and blackjack. A majority of the world’s 2,000 web gambling sites are based in places with questionable internet casino standards. Antigua and Costa Rica account for more than 1,000 casinos between them.

    The Government in the United Kingdom is looking to introduce rules and a tax setup to control the functioning of the online wagering industry. With this type of regulatory framework in place, net betting activities would be observed and the industry will acquire even bigger heights in the next few years.

     January 30th, 2010  Janet   No comments

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